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About the journal

The appreciation of science and its results, based on good scientific practices, has been one of the main reasons for the evolution of our society and is always present in moments of serious social or public health events, with repercussions on the evolution of the life quality of the humanity.  

The way to disseminate scientific advances is the publication of the scientific journals with expression in different areas of knowledge. These vehicles are sources of reliable scientific information and may represent specific areas, such as medical specialties, or even broader areas.

In recent decades, there has been a growing increase in world scientific production, driven by the main teaching and research centers of the first world. With the arrival of new players in this segment, notably from developing nations, we have seen that these many available journals have been insufficient to publish the results of scientific research, overloading the existing system and causing delays in publications. Brazil has been prominent in this sector, being today in 11th place in the ranking of the nations that most produce and publish scientifically.

The digital environment, driven by an increasingly connected and comprehensive internet, has provided a little easier access, but still with the specific bottlenecks of each of these journals.

We are very proud to present a new scientific journal – JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DISEASES AND ADVANCED MEDICINE.

This main objective of this journal is to be a means of disseminating national and international scientific works and research, thus providing another tool for the medical community to access current scientific advances. This project has institutional support from Hospital IPO, NEP – Teaching and Research Center of Hospital IPO and ECO Medical Center. An editorial board of various specialties and peer-review evaluations will guarantee the quality of the published articles. Articles will be published in English and preferably in digital format.

We will receive original articles, case reports, review articles and, as a novelty, the inclusion of augmented reality (AR), a tool, including, of medical education that facilitates greater interaction with information sources. Come and share with us this new experience and scientific communication channel.

Be welcome.


Evaldo Dacheux de Macedo Filho  
